Embrace Serenity: Sakura Tranquility Vision Board & Color Palette Inspired by Cherry Blossom Season

I am introducing you to a new weekly series called, 'currently pinning'. I have started this on Mondays over on Instagram Stories however, Iโ€™ve decided to also share with you here as well! Also, if you are not following me over on Instagram, you totally should! :)

From captivating themes to color inspiration, I'm curating and sharing what I am currently inspired by each week to spark your imagination. Get ready for a glimpse into the world of color palettes and vision boards!

As spring unfolds its gentle embrace, nature awakens in a symphony of color and tranquility. Among the most enchanting of these springtime wonders is the Sakura, or cherry blossom, with its delicate blooms adorning the landscape in hues of soft pinks is simply beautiful. Inspired by this ephemeral beauty, we invite you to embark on a journey of serenity with our Sakura Tranquility inspired vision board and color palette.

I feel incredibly fortunate to reside in one of the prime spots to witness the breathtaking spectacle of cherry blossom trees blooming every spring. The streets and parks burst with the ethereal beauty of these blossoms, drawing both locals and visitors to admire their splendor. Following a recent stroll through a nearby park and along my street, I found myself deeply inspired to craft a design aesthetic and color palette, with the enchanting cherry blossoms at the forefront of my mind.

I'm also excited to unveil a signature cocktail recipe inspired by Sakura for our upcoming Cocktail Fridayโ€”so be sure to stay tuned for that delightful treat!